Elderwood project: the FUD, and some reality too
It’s been interesting to read all the frenzy about what Symantec has been calling “The Elderwood Project”. The summary is “we are seeing these guys, who were behind that Aurora thing some time ago, still using a lot of 0-days in their hacking of NGOs, defense supply chain and government agencies”.
There are many different spins around the story now on the interwebs. There any many degrees of FUD around it too, but it’s important to analyze and thing about it carefully. Take, for example, this piece from Symantec’s blog post:
In order to discover these vulnerabilities, a large undertaking would be required by the attackers to thoroughly reverse-engineer the compiled applications. This effort would be substantially reduced if they had access to source code. The group seemingly has an unlimited supply of zero-day vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities are used as needed, often within close succession of each other if exposure of the currently used vulnerability is imminent.
I’m not here to downplay the efforts of finding new 0-days. I cannot do it with my technical skills, I know it’s something really hardcore. But wait a minute, “a large undertaking to thoroughly reverse-engineer the compiled applications”, with supposed access to source code? My skeptical alarm rings loud here; we know a lot of security researchers that have been founding dozens of vulnerabilities in the same applications without access to source code and, if not with “minimum effort”, just by playing with fuzzers and doing some part-time (sometimes just for fun) testing. While I think there are really very good people putting some decent effort on finding vulnerabilities, I don’t think we can conclude there is a huge lab with never ending resources too. It might be, but we just don’t know.
Now, there’s something important to take as lessons learned from this. It is the fact that patching is just not enough, and that you have to have good defense in depth and detection capabilities in place too. If the adversary has some “unfair” advantage, such as 0-days, we need to level the field by boosting our monitoring capabilities. It’s important for “regular” organizations, but extremely important for those that can be an interesting target for motivated attackers (state sponsored, crime rings, carders, etc). This is not FUD, guys. It’s reality.