Sign Seth Hardy's petition for (ISC)2 Board of Directors ballot
Folks, this is serious and important. A lot of us has several complaints about the way that the CISSP certification is modeled, the quality of the questions and how it is interpreted by the industry. Seth Hardy is asking for support to be included in the (ISC)2 Board of Directors election ballot. He needs 633 signatures on his petition in order to be included. Here are Seth's objectives for joining the Board:
I want to make the certification exams offered by (ISC)2 more respected on a technical level. While I understand that the exams are not focused on technology -- "Security Transcends Technology", even! -- this is not a valid reason for exams that have outdated, misleading, or incorrect material.
I want greater accountability from (ISC)2 to its members. This is focused on (but not limited to) exam procedure and feedback. If there is a problem, it should be acknowledged and addressed in a reasonably transparent manner.
I want the purpose and scope of the (ISC)2 certifications to be well-defined. The CISSP certification is considered the de facto standard for technical security jobs; if it is not designed to do this, there should be clear guidelines from (ISC)2 on where it is appropriate and inappropriate to be gauging the skill and qualifications of a job applicant depending on whether they have the certification.
You can sign his petition at