Very good PCI resource
Trying to be compliant PCI is a tough task. One of the biggest problems is to find good answers to common questions, as the "PCI specialists" are usually very evasive and will hardly give you a definitive answer. So, it's extremely valuable when someone posts a set of common Q&A about the subject like this one from Anton Chuvakin. If you are struggling with PCI, you will find a lot of good information there. Below are some of the most common I've seen, with the responses from the "PCI DSS Myths and Misconceptions webinar":
Q: What about the organization that says "but we use, PayPal, Google Checkout (or whoever) to process our card payments for items we sell on the web. We don't ever handle the card data ourselves, so we don't need to worry about we?"
A: Indeed, outsourcing credit card data processing is a very good way of reducing the scope of your PCI compliant environment. However , it is not the same as “outsourcing PCI DSS” since it does not completely shield you from PCI DSS requirements. “Scope reduction” is NOT “PCI elimination.” There are still areas where you must make an effort to comply. However, PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) is the authorized source of this information.
Q: Is a QSA the only authorized entity to run a scan or can I as the owner of our business run the scan myself?
A: This is a pure misconception; 100% false. As per PCI DSS requirement 11.2, an approved scanning vendor (PCI ASV vendor) must be used for external (=Internet-visible) scanning. Internal scanning can be performed by yourself or anybody else skilled in using a vulnerability scanner.
Q: Do we need to ensure that our third party fulfillment company is PCI DSS compliant as well (especially if they are taking credit card numbers for our customers)?
A: It is hard to say how the contracts are written in such case, but often the answer is indeed “yes.” Moreover, if they take credit cards they need to be compliant and protect the data regardless of their relationship with you. PCI QSA is the authorized source of this information.
Q: Is a fax with credit card information that arrives to organization’s fax server considered to be a digital copy of this data?
A: A digital fax containing a credit card number is likely in scope for PCI DSS. There is some debate about the “pre-authorization data”, but protecting credit card information applies to all types of information: print, files, databases, fax, email, logs, etc.
Q: For a small merchant that only processes a handful of transactions a month, are there alternatives to some of the expensive technology requirements (e.g. application firewalls, independent web/db servers, etc)?
A: Outsourcing credit card transactions is likely the right answer in such circumstances.